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NCR में सस्ते और किस्तों की Free Hold जमीनों का काला सच | Manu Bhaiya Vlogs
For Delhi NCr Plots Investments:-
Part 1: Gr. Noida Should Invest or noT; https://youtu.be/p8KbvdY6oHQ
Part 2: Gr. Noida Villas : https://youtu.be/-GyU13YKbE0
3. Commercial Plots in Noida : https://youtu.be/4T0mmBr7IK8
4. Gr. Noida West Kisaan Kota Plots(Part 1): https://youtu.be/8KmFJ1T8sys
5. Kisaan kota ( किसान कोटा )plots lene se pehle Dhyan Dein?(Part 2): https://youtu.be/7W1EvIa3w48
6. Free Hold Plots lene se pehle Dhyan Dein ?: https://youtu.be/xyq8T0NexXI
For Commercial Investments:-
1. SHOP खरीदने से पहले ध्यान में रखने वाली बातें https://youtu.be/7eOgrbQ_JZs
2. Commercial Shop Review-Part 1:- https://youtu.be/yq8c-fOJFQs
3. Commercial Shop Investment - Part 2 : https://youtu.be/MGMSccoDd8k
Vlog# 60:- In my vlogs/videos you will see my lifestyle, working, travel, information, Investment, Social Work, Startup Advises and Daily vlogs. Please support me by subscribing and sharing.
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